Paul Burke

Paul Burke

Paul has over 30 years of corporate sales and marketing leadership managing local, National, and global teams. He has also been an entrepreneur; owning, leading, and successfully exiting several businesses. Paul enjoys working with entrepreneurs and leadership teams as a teacher, facilitator, and coach, helping them get more out of their business and work life, “Putting the fun back into dysfunctional”.

Serving as an Officer in the U.S. Army and as a Company Commander during Operation Desert Storm, he learned the value of great leadership, teamwork, and the critical importance of execution. Without those elements all the best plans in the world become just words on a page.

Paul has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business & Speech Communication from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurial Management from the University of Dallas.

He currently lives in historic Hudson, Wisconsin with his wife, Pamela and Rocky, their energetic Black Lab.

Most Requested Programs

Hiring, Developing and Retaining the Ideal Team Player in Your Organization

The audience will be presented with a powerful framework along with easy-to-use tools for identifying, hiring, developing, and retaining the ideal team players in any type of organization. We will discuss the three critical traits that a person must have to be an ideal team player and the three critical activities managers need to implement to improve employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Each attender will leave with information and tools that can be immediately leveraged within their organization.

Mastering the Meeting: Strategies for Leadership Success

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business landscape, one critical aspect often overlooked or sidelined is the functional health of the individuals leading and driving an organization's mission. This presentation will clearly explain how functionally healthy teams can outperform their peers. Attendees participate in several exercises and will be provided with practical tools they can implement immediately to improve the functional health of their teams. We will lay out the four disciplines of a healthy organization including tools to make your meetings more efficient and effective.

The High Price of Unprepared Leaders

The audience will be presented with practical solutions to the compelling issues facing businesses today. Employee engagement is down, stress is up, wage inflation and the high cost of turnover are impacting the bottom line. Managers are vital in dealing with these issue and too many are not prepared. The presentation will lay out a path to elevate current managers with leadership skills that can impact their organizations and reverse these
issues quickly and for the long term.

Creating Your Game Changing Customer Experience

Every business operates in a competitive environment. To succeed we need to be intentional about how we retain and grow our current clients and continue to bring in new clients on a regular basis. We also must make sure we are gaining and retaining
the right clients for our business. A great client experience reflects your organizations culture and requires activation at all levels of your organization.

Leveraging Data; The Magic Sauce for Every Team

One of the most important tools in managing a business is accurate & timely data. Working with leadership teams, we teach the importance of data and leveraging scorecards. These tools give leadership teams a current pulse on the business, identify issues before they become big problems and help leaders in predicting future activity. Accurate &
timely data will take the subjectivity out of decision making so the team can focus solving the issue with facts and not be distracted by personalities or politics.

Unleashing a "People Powered" Revolution in Your Organization

Why a “people powered” strategy? Too often strategic planning puts people at the end of the discussion or as an afterthought to the many other issues business leaders face. With the current environment of wage inflation & declining employee engagement, business
leaders must be intentional about their “people” strategy. The audience will be presented with a powerful framework for developing a people driven strategy, starting with their leadership team. They will be given practical tools that can be quickly implemented and help create a competitive advantage in any industry.


“Paul has presented on multiple topics to groups within the Association. The feedback is always positive, and attendees look forward to his next program. I recommend Paul as a facilitator, educator, and leader." - Barb Lau, Executive Director, Association of Women Contractors.

“Paul put the focus on the goal of helping each attendee in the room to find at least one actionable thing that could help their business improve – this was very much appreciated.” - Tom Florian, Sr. Director, West Des Moines Chamber

“Paul brings humor, stories, and a rich history to each event we invite him to – all while giving attendees and participants positive takeaways that help us in our personal and professionals lives. We can’t wait to have Paul back at our next event!” - Adam Hanson, President, Associated Builders & Contractors of MN/ND

"Paul Burke really guided our discussion and the entire process with true professionalism. His high energy and positive approach encouraged the group to honestly access our abilities and make the difficult decision of who should lead and in what capacity. Paul demonstrated the ability to quickly understand our business and family dynamics.

I would highly recommend Paul and Business Acceleration for any management or governance consul for your business." - Robert Warner, President, Warners' Stellian Appliance Company

"After having Paul help us with EOS our company Moral, Meetings and Goals have greatly improved, we solve issues quickly and work together. We now are a team. We are still working on things but everyone agrees that we are better as a company because of EOS. We could not have done it without Paul’s help.

We are grateful for where we are and our growth and we have Business Acceleration to Thank for that. As a business owner I would highly recommend Paul and his company to help you create the company you always dreamed of owning." - Connie Sutton, President, Am-Tec Design