Avi Olitzky

Avi Olitzky

Avi Olitzky is the president and principal consultant of Olitzky Consulting Group. Over the course of his professional career, Avi has served as senior rabbi to one of the largest congregations in North America, successfully launched and grown innovative information technology and content-driven production companies and organizations, and was a founding board chair and board member for numerous non-profits. He is a master facilitator, design-thinker and strategic planner, innovator, speaker, and retreat organizer. In addition, he has served as an advisor and strategic consultant to multiple membership organizations and non-profits, camps and youth organizations, synagogues and churches, for-profit executives, and general companies. He was appointed to and served on city Human Rights Commissions as well as hospital IRBs for Human Subjects Research. Avi’s expertise in engagement, organizational planning, and outreach is regularly called upon, especially as co-author of New Membership & Financial Alternatives for the American Synagogue - From Traditional Dues to Fair Share to Gifts from the Heart (Jewish Lights). Avi is also a co-founder of SpirituWell, and serves as its Chief People & Spiritual Officer.

Most Requested Programs

Building Our Community: The Power of Belonging

This keynote addresses the importance of creating a sense of belonging within your organization to boost member engagement and retention. The program will explore practical strategies for fostering inclusivity and connection among members, drawing on psychological principles and real-world case studies. Participants will learn how to build welcoming environments that encourage active participation and a sense of ownership.

Key Takeaways:

     - Techniques to enhance member engagement through inclusivity.

     - Strategies for personalizing member experiences to foster a deeper sense of community.

     - Insights into the impact of belonging on organizational health and member retention.


Day-Long Workshop
Navigating the Future: Strategy and Innovation for Competitive Distinction"

This interactive workshop focuses on identifying and developing unique areas of competitive advantage. Participants will engage in discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities to understand the current competitive landscape and pinpoint opportunities for innovation. The session will cover tools for strategic thinking, trend analysis, and the integration of innovative practices into business strategy.

   - Key Takeaways:

     - Understanding of key strategic frameworks and their application.

     - Ability to identify and leverage unique strengths and opportunities.

     - Skills to integrate innovation into the core strategy for sustained competitive advantage.

Board Retreat: Understanding Roles and Future Planning

"Leading into the Future: Defining Board Roles and Strategic Vision"

This board retreat is designed to clarify the roles of board members and strategize for the future of the organization. The program will include facilitated discussions on the responsibilities of board members, the importance of strategic alignment with organizational goals, and the development of a robust future planning framework. This session aims to strengthen governance and ensure long-term sustainability.

   - Key Takeaways:

     - Clear understanding of board responsibilities and best practices.

     - Frameworks for effective future planning and risk management.

     - Enhanced alignment between board actions and organizational goals.

Alternative Revenue Hackathon: Innovating Financial Sustainability

"Revenue Reimagined: A Hackathon for Financial Innovation"

This dynamic hackathon event challenges participants to think creatively and collaboratively about alternative revenue streams. Designed for organizations looking to diversify their income, this program brings together members from various departments to brainstorm, prototype, and pitch innovative revenue-generating ideas. The session includes expert guidance on market trends, financial modeling, and sustainability practices.

   - Key Takeaways:

     - Diverse and innovative ideas for alternative revenue streams.

     - Understanding of how to evaluate and implement new membership and/or revenue models.

     - Skills in cross-functional collaboration and rapid idea development.