Paul Allen

Paul Allen

Looking for a unique and interesting keynote with memorable stories and great lessons that everyone can apply to their work and personal lives? Paul Allen is your guy.

21 Years with the Minnesota Vikings. 25 Years on KFAN Radio. 28 Years at Canterbury Park. Paul Allen has long established himself as a Minnesota icon in the broadcasting world. His Vikings calls are unique and memorable, his KFAN radio show is highly rated, and he has called more than 30,000 horse races all over the country including his almost 30 years at Canterbury Park. (which is what brought him to Minnesota in 1995!).
Paul accomplished all this while never going to college, and being broke 25 years ago. He is witty, energetic, quirky, and sharp, with vast life experiences and impactful stories that he shares with attendees.
His lessons include:
- Life at the Top Wins from the Bottom
- Fortifying your bench
- Following your gift of discernment
- Authenticity

Paul can add fun aspects to his programs including doing touchdown calls using your organization’s staff or VIP names, adding interactive aspects, etc. He will work with you to create the best program for your event. He’s also a great emcee.

Most Requested Programs

Leadership Lessons from the Track to the Football Field

For 21 years Paul has been on planes, in hotels, on busses, and right next to the Minnesota Vikings as their play-by-play voice. There’s no one “working the beat” who can share as many rich, untold stories. Paul's keynote is a funny, enlightening, and can involve audience participation. This rare opportunity promises to be a treat for football and non-football fans with stories including, but not limited to, Adrian Peterson giving him an unexpected $1,000, crying with Brett Favre, and Paul convincing a head coach to guarantee victory. There are work and personal lessons to be learned from all of the stories Paul will share with your attendees. Paul's edgy, entertaining, untold, heartwarming, and funny lessons will be the talk of any gathering, and he'll even do touchdown calls using staff-members names!


Paul was AWESOME and the audience loved him. I really appreciate Paul taking the time to do his research about his audience. (He stated that this was one of his first farmer groups) He connected football and his life experiences with agriculture and related well with everyone. We posted a QR code and used the Slido app so the audience could ask questions to Paul at the end. Everyone really soaked in his passion and excitement that he portrays.

We had a ballroom that was seated for 280 people and there was basically standing room only when Paul took the stage. Money worth spending!

Kelli Barnett, Stateline Cooperative